DIY Fathers Day Card

I really liked this idea from Martha Stewart but thought I’d make it something that the kids could get involved in for Fathers Day so used a plain tie that the kids could decorate 🙂

Children DIY Card

You will need A4 coloured card that you cut down the middle lengthways (you can make any sized cards though) and some white paper.

First take your coloured card and fold it in half – mine is around 11cm x 15cm once folded


Then cut about an inch in from the top on both sides and fold in.


Cut a tie shape ensuring it fits inside the shirt – you need the tip of the tie to line up on the bottom edge.

Shirt and Tie card

Now the fun part – your little one can decorate the tie however they wish – felt pens, paint, glitter, wool etc then stick it to the front of the card starting at the bottom so the bottom edge lines up, then add some small buttons on the lapels. Here are the ones we made when my neice and nephew came around.

Toddler Fathers Day Card

I really like how they can put their own style on to their card and they could even decorate the shirt too 🙂

Gem x

I would love to hear from you or see your creations, feel free to post a comment xx